
Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

Amazon recently launched its Skype competitor christened "Amazon Chime", which is meant to be a group calling, messaging, and collaboration tool for businesses, as well as just a uncomplicated video call app for the masses. It does this, with a three tier plan arrangement, that divides the available features into various levels. In the "Amazon Chinkle Basic" programme, all you get is 1:1 vocalism, and video calling. It also grants y'all admission to using the conversation. At its highest tier (Amazon Chime Pro), the application offers avant-garde features such as custom coming together URLs, screen sharing capabilities, scheduling, and hosting meetings, and even recording meetings. All this, for upwardly to 100 people, at a relatively low toll of $15 per user, per month. So, if you're wondering which 1 to utilize, we have a detailed comparison of both the Amazon Chime, and Skype:

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Feature Breakdown

1. Calling Features

Both the Amazon Chime, and Skype, offering some really great calling features. Adding contacts is easy in Amazon Chime, but not so much in Skype (at least, I've never plant Skype to be especially skilful at this). Once you've added your contacts, calling them is easy on both Amazon Chinkle, and Skype, and both the services have equally practiced audio quality, so you can't go wrong with either choice. However, at that place is 1 identify where Skype leaves Amazon Chime in the dust: calling phone numbers. It's not ever a given, that the person you need to contact is on the same application as you are, which is where Skype's competitively priced calling rates really knock it out of the park.

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

When it comes to video calls, both the Amazon Chime, and Skype are keen performers. The quality of video calls are as practiced as expected, and stable. It's important to annotation that if y'all're using Chime on an unstable connection, information technology will refuse to launch the video. However, you will yet be able to connect on phonation phone call.

Annotation :Amazon Chime merely offers 1:1 audio, and video calling in the "Amazon Chime Basic" plan. For more than capabilities, y'all will need to subscribe to the "Amazon Chime Plus", "Amazon Chinkle Pro" plans.

2. Screen Sharing

Both the Amazon Chime, and Skype offering screen sharing back up. Nonetheless, while Skype offers the feature for free, Amazon Chinkle requires the "Plus" plan ($2.50 per user/month) in order to use the screen sharing characteristic. That said, screen sharing in Amazon Chime seems to be accessible more easily than on Skype. While you lot're in a call with someone, you can simply click on the "Screen" selection, and choose between "Share Screen", and "Share Window".

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

In Amazon Chinkle, you tin fifty-fifty asking to control the other user'due south screen remotely. This will definitely come in handy in meetings, and video calls where you're trying to make plans, etc. Meanwhile, even though Skype allows Screen Sharing for free, y'all tin can subscribe to one of the paid plans for Skype for Business, to be able to remotely control another user's screen.

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

iii. Record Meetings

Some other characteristic that Amazon Chime, and Skype for Business, both offer, is the ability to tape entire meetings. The record meetings feature in Amazon Chime allows users to tape the audio of the meeting, but not the video. So, if you were sharing a screen, and working on a document together, that won't be recorded; notwithstanding, the audio of the meeting will. This tin help to create transcripts of meetings, share the sound with people who couldn't attend the coming together, so they may be briefed about everything that was discussed, and more than.

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

To get this feature in Skype, you will have to subscribe to ane of the "Skype for Business organization" plans, which is not a large bargain, because the recording feature that Amazon Chinkle offers is a role of the "Amazon Chime Pro plan", which will toll you nearly $15 per month, per user. Also, Skype for Business organisation tin can record audio, besides every bit video, something that Amazon Chinkle tin't practice (all the same).

iv. Share Documents and Media

Both Skype, and Amazon Chime come with the capability to share documents, and media. Although, being oriented towards both consumers, and enterprises, one would look Amazon Chinkle to have more than options for sharing documents, and media. However, every bit it turns out, Skype offers a lot more than flexibility when information technology comes to they types of files you can send. With Skype, you tin can send documents, and images, as well as contacts, location, and video letters. However, Amazon Chime only lets users send documents, or media (such as images).

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

This is a deplorable oversight, in my opinion, because sharing locations, and contacts can be pretty useful in a software aimed at solving the issue of remote meetings in big multinational companies.

5. Instant and Scheduled Meetings

Since Amazon Chime is aimed primarily at enterprises, it includes a host of powerful meeting features; something that is present in Skype for Business, equally well. However, personally, I detect the intuitive way in which Amazon Chime works, much amend than Skype.

With the "Amazon Chinkle Pro" plan, you tin hands fix instant, or scheduled meetings. The host tin can simply click on "Meetings", and select "Start an Instant Coming together", or "Schedule a Meeting". Users can fifty-fifty click on "Bring together a Meeting", if they want to join a meeting being hosted by someone else.

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

Instant Meetings kickoff at the very same moment. You simply select the people yous want to invite, and the meeting starts off. Invitees go notifications that they're invited to a meeting, and they can join, refuse, or send a message if they're running late.

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

Scheduled Meetings, on the other hand, are made by creating a meeting in the calendar application of your choice, and calculation invitees. Amazon Chime also gives you lot some of import information that you have to add in the clarification for the meeting, so the invitees can attend it. This information contains diverse methods to connect to the coming together, and every guest can choose to connect whichever way they adopt.

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Detailed Comparison

Amazon Chime offers very clear instructions almost how to create a scheduled meeting, so you lot don't actually have to worry most annihilation, except following the instructions.

Feature Amazon Chime Basic Amazon Chime Plus Amazon Chime Pro Skype Free Skype for Business
Voice Calling Aye, ane:1 Yes Yes Yes, upward to 25 Yes
Video Calling Yep, i:one Yeah Yes Yep, upwardly to 25 Yes
Screen Sharing No Yes Yep Aye Aye
Remote Control No Yes Yes No Yes
Record Meeting Audio No No Yes No Yes
Tape Coming together Video No No No No Yes
Share Documents and Media Yes Yes Yes Yeah Yes
Share Location, Contacts No No No Yep Yes

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Platform Availability

Platform Availability is a very important factor when information technology comes to apps that offer online meeting features. After all, non every 1 in a company volition exist using the same platform, which is why it'due south important to support at least the nigh popular platforms – another area where Skype fares much amend than Amazon Chime.

  • Amazon Chime is available on Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS. It tin can too exist used in the browser itself, if need be.
  • Skype, on the other hand, is available on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Windows, macOS, and Linux. Plus, it tin exist used on a browser, as well.

Amazon Chinkle vs Skype: Pricing and Plans

Both Skype, and Amazon Chinkle come with three unlike tiers, that can be used depending on your needs. The pricing, and features vary vastly betwixt the two, and both of them offer some dandy features. Hither's a breakdown of the different plans available in Amazon Chime, and Skype for Business:

1. Amazon Chime

Amazon Chime offers 3 plan options for you to choose from:

  • Amazon Chinkle Basic (Free): This is the free tier of the Amazon Chime service, and will simply allow you brand 1:1 audio, and video calls. You lot will likewise go access to chats, and chat rooms on all your devices
  • Amazon Chime Plus ($two.l per user, per month): The Amazon Chime Plus plan comes with all the features of Amazon Chime Basic, along with support for screen sharing, and a host of It management tools.
  • Amazon Chime Pro ($xv per user, per month): The highest tier in the Amazon Chime service, this programme offers all the features of Amazon Chinkle Plus, and adds the power to tape meetings, get personalized meeting URLs, and the ability to join meetings with a standard phone line.

2. Skype for Business organization

Skype is divided into two different categories: Skype, and Skype for Business. Skype is gratuitous to use, and doesn't require any subscription. However, Skype for Business has two tiers:

  • Office 365 Business Essentials ($5 per user per month): This is the nigh affordable tier of the two, and offers audio, Hd video, and web conferencing, along with the ability to share your presentations, and transfer control to other members, schedule meetings, and do a lot more.
  • Role 365 Business Premium ($12.50 per user, per month): This tier offers everything that the Business Essentials plan offers, along with features like File Sharing, and storage upwardly to 1GB per user. Information technology also includes advanced coming together options like polls, and Q&As, which can definitely add a lot to your online meetings.

Amazon Chime vs Skype: Employ Cases

Both the Amazon Chime, and Skype for Concern, are primarily voice, and video conferencing applications that aim to help users run their concern finer. Skype has the reward over Amazon Chime, in that information technology has been in the market place quite long, plus it offers some killer features. Withal, Amazon Chinkle is no slouch, either. It offers a plethora of features that you can use to improve the quality of your online meetings.

  • If you're planning on using the free version of Skype, you should know that information technology only supports upwardly to 25 people, and doesn't actually incorporate meetings in the traditional fashion. Of course, you can still utilise information technology as an online meeting application, only for real productivity, yous'll do improve if yous subscribed to one of the "Skype for Business" plans that Microsoft offers.
  • Amazon Chime, on the other mitt, can only be used as a meeting awarding with one of the paid subscriptions. The free tier merely includes 1:1 video calling, which makes the "Amazon Chime Basic" program rather meek when information technology comes to remote, online meetings for enterprises. Notwithstanding, if you subscribe to the "Amazon Chime Plus", or "Pro" plans, you'll go access to a host of bully features for your enterprise.
  • To sum it upwardly, if you lot're looking for a casual video calling application, you tin can use Skype, or the "Amazon Chime Bones" program. However, I would recommend using Skype, considering it allows video conferencing between a maximum of 25 people. After all, you wouldn't ever use a coincidental video conferencing application for just video calling with 1 single person at a time.
  • However, if you're looking for an enterprise solution for your online meetings, I think the "Amazon Chime Pro" plan has a lot of potential in information technology. Later all, information technology is based on the AWS cloud infrastructure, which is one of the best enterprise cloud calculating solutions there are. Plus, I personally observe the Amazon Chime app much easier to understand, and use. For what information technology'south worth, though, the Skype for Business app can likewise serve yous well, when information technology comes to enterprise solutions for online meetings, and then the choice is entirely yours to brand.

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Amazon Chime: Truly a Skype Competitor?

Amazon may have launched Chime as their answer to Microsoft's Skype for Business, merely whether information technology tin truly compete with an established application like Skype, is anyone's approximate. For what information technology's worth, Amazon Chime does offer some really great features, and at a competitive toll. Add to that the fact that Chime is based on Amazon's AWS cloud infrastructure, and yous tin immediately see why it has a good gamble of competing against Skype; both for casual users, and as an enterprise solution.

Equally always, exercise share your thoughts on Amazon Chime, and whether y'all remember information technology can compete with Skype, or not. Likewise, permit u.s. know about the apps and services you utilise for voice, and video calling, every bit well as for online meetings, in the comments section beneath.


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