
How To Download And Install Wamp Server In Windows 10

People who are looking to run Apache web server including PHP and MySQL on Windows 10, tin use the pop WAMP server. As nosotros know that Apache, PHP, and MySQL are meant to run in a Linux environment and non available natively for the Windows platform. So, in such circumstances, third-party applications such every bit XAMPP and WAMP servers can exist used.  In a like way the MAC users tin endeavor MAMP or XAMPP and Linux can install LAMP with help of just a few commands to set up the whole web server package along the PHP environment to develop PHP-based applications.

People who are looking for a WAMP server alternative tin can try XAMPP but you don't need to exist because both the software are meant for the Windows platform and provide the aforementioned type of stability and features. Hither in this tutorial, those who don't know about the WAMPserver can get a complete idea of how to install a WAMP server for Windows ten, Windows eight, and Windows vii no thing yous are using the 32bit or 64bit the installation procedure is the same for all Windows versions.

Step By Step Guide to Install WAMP Server on Windows 10

Wamp Server installation brief on Windows

  1. Go to the official WampServer website and download the Wamp server 32bit or 64bit.
  2. Run the downloaded Wamp server.exe setup
  3. Select the location, if need to set other than the default.
  4. Follow the instructions and install the setup.
  5. Click on the organization tray Wamp server icon and test the webserver

Item guide including screenshots:

Step 1: Download the Wamp server

Go to the official WAMP server website ( and download the WampServer set up co-ordinate to your Windows 10 version. If you accept 64bit then download the Wamp server (x64) otherwise the 32-bit (X86). To check your Windows 10 version right-click on "This PC" and select the backdrop.

WIndows verion check

Download WAMP server on Windows 10, 8, 7

Pace 2: Warnings and download link

When y'all click on the Wamp server to download push button, a pop-a window with a download link will open up that takes yous to Sourceforge, and also it shows some warnings that demand to run across too if y'all using some previous version of the Wamp server.

Here are those:

WARNING:Don't Utilise previous WampServer Extensions/Add-ons. In that location are no more uniform with the new Wampserver version's (VC11)

WARNING:Do not try to install WampServer 2 over WAMP5.If WAMP5 is installed on your calculator, save your data, uninstall it and delete the WAMP5 directory earlier installing WampServer two.

Alert:All the components of the v2.two WampServer stack have been compiled with the VC9 version of the Microsoft compiler. Before versions of Wampserver have been made with a VC6 version of the Microsoft compiler. So, You can't mix components of the ii.2 stack with the previous version of Wampserver Stack components. If you do it you will get an unstable Wampserver.

About: Visual studio, in virtually cases, you lot don't need to install information technology because it already a organisation update, and if not and then while installation yous get a popular-up to download information technology.

warning to install WAMP server for windows

Pace ii: WAMP server Installation

Run the setup and select the linguistic communication in which yous want to install the Wamp server for Windows ten.

Wamp server installation on windows 10

Select the "I accept the agreement"

setup Wamp server

Equally I said it needs up to date redistributable packages of VC9, VC10, VC13, VC14, and Vc15. Either go to your Control Panel-> Program and features and cheque whether you accept the Visual C++ packages installed or not or just Click on the Next button and the plan volition automatically identify it. In case, the program not able to find the packages, it volition warn y'all and so you tin install them from the below-given links:

  1. Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022
  2. Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2022
  3. Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 Update 4
  4. Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable Parcel (x64)
  5. Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable Package (x86)
  6. Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
  7. Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)

Wampserver 64bit setup

Step 3: Choose Installation directory or location Wamp server

By default all programs y'all installed in the Windows arrangement go to your organisation's C: drive but if you lot desire to install the Wamp server in another bulldoze or folder then click on the browse button and choose the location. So click on Next.

Wampserver 64bit or 32 bit on Windows 10

install wamp server in windows 10

Step 4: Change the Internet Explorer Browser and a Text editor of the WAMP server on Windows x

While installing the setup of WampServer, information technology volition ask which browser you want as default in the WAMP server. By default, it uses the iexplore.exe (Internet Explorer) to change information technology to Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox click on YES otherwise NO.

default brsower selection in Wamp server

When you click on YES, the Windows Explorer will open up from where go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application and select the Chrome.exe and click on Open.

choose Goole chrome as default broswer for WAP server in Windows 10

After selecting the default browser, the Wamp Server will besides ask to select the default Text editor which we demand in example we want to edit Apache or PHP config files such as http.config or php.ini. By default, it uses the notepad of Windows,  I think information technology doesn't need to be inverse, so that's why merely click on NO. Even so, if yous want to change the Text editor and then click on Yep and locate your third-political party installed text editor as nosotros practice above for selecting Google chrome.

default not editor for windows 10

While completing the installation the setup also provides you login information of your phpMyAdmin;"After Installing Wampserver the default username is "root " without quotes and in that location is no password, which means yous must go out the Countersign box empty to login into the phpMyAdmin.

Step 5: Check the Wamp Server Apache

Subsequently successful installation, click on the organisation tray and and then on the WAMP Server icon. As you click y'all will find shortcuts to check and employ the Apache, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, MariaDB, Cease all services, Start all services and Reset all services.

To ensure whether our Apache spider web server is upwards and running on our Windows x click on Localhost.

succesful installation of WAMPserver on windows

When y'all click on Localhost a tab will open up with a page showing all server configuration in your browser. For reference see the screenshot.

WAMP server apache web server setup

Pace half dozen: Other important Wamp server tools and settings

If you correct-click on the aforementioned WAMP server icon that resides in your system tray, information technology will open up several other options such as About, Refresh, Help, language, WAMP settings, Tool, and Exit. In case you want to change the software language y'all can cull your local linguistic communication from the linguistic communication option.

change the language in Wamp server on Windows 10

If you want to know which port is using which service of WAMP server or some other data, you lot only need to become tools:

  • Restart DNS
  • Cheque HTTP.conf syntax
  • Bank check stats of services
  • Check DNS search society
  • Check compiler VC, compatibility, and ini files
  • Evidence VirtualHost examined by Apache
  • Prove Apache loaded Modules
  • Delete Unused PHP versions
  • And more…

porst used in Wazmp server on Windows 10

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